Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday August 22, 2016

       Its been a long time since I've posted on this blog, I thought I would add some
    information about the patriotic doilies I have on Seasons Crochet's facebook


      To make these doilies I used  #10 Crochet Thread. Most craft stores carry this
   thread, although I had to order the blue thread online. I believe I got it from
   Joann Fabric.


      I used this pattern for the larger doily  8 Point Star and just changed color to 
  make a beautiful patriotic doily.


      I used this pattern for the smaller doily 10" Patriotic Doily .  This was a paid pattern from Amazon (.99) and uses the Kindle app to access the pattern. This can be read on any device.  This doily works up very quickly and I made each one in just a couple hours. 

     There are so many patriotic doilies to choose from that make a perfect display for the summer holidays of Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. 


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Star Wars Inspired BB8 Robot

I finally was able to finish another pattern and publish it on Ravelry. My grandson Max, age 6, is a fan of this little robot so I wanted to make him some accessories to wear. I found a pattern for a BB8 beanie on Ravelry but no scarf or gloves.

 This is the scarf. The little embellishments and eyes like the robot has on him make this a fun and colorful accessory for a small child.

These are the fingerless gloves, or wristlets. These look like fun to wear and kids could even wear them over regular knit gloves.

Here's some links to my patterns on Ravelry.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my new pattern and that you enjoy making them for a Star War's fan.